Thursday, October 6, 2022

NOT PUBLISHING: Hopscotch for Girls Magazine

UPDATE: Hopscotch for Girls is no longer publishing. Please see my PDF instant download,
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Hopscotch Submission Guidelines from the website

Every HOPSCOTCH contributor must remember we publish only six issues a year, which means our editorial needs are extremely limited. An annual total, for instance, will include some 30 to 36 nonfiction pieces, 9 or 10 short stories, 18 or so poems, six cover illustrations, and a smattering of puzzles, crafts, and the like.

It is obvious that we must reject far more contributions than we accept, no matter how outstanding they may seem to you or to us.

With that said, we would point out that HOPSCOTCH is a magazine created for girls from 6 to 13 years, with girls 8, 9, and 10 the specific target age.
Our point of view is that every young girl deserves the right to be a young girl for a number of years before she becomes a young adult.

As a result, HOPSCOTCH looks for articles, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that deal with timeless topics, such as pets, nature, hobbies, science, games, sports, careers, simple cooking, and anything else likely to interest a young girl. We leave dating, romance, human sexuality, cosmetics, fashion, and the like to other publications. Each issue revolves around a theme.


We are looking for lively writing, most of it from a young girl's point of view, with the girl or girls directly involved in an activity that is both wholesome and unusual. Examples have included girls in a sheep to shawl contest, girls raising puppies that are destined to guide the blind and girls who take summer ballet lessons from members of the New York City Ballet.

While on the subject of nonfiction, remembering that we use it 3 to 1 over fiction, those pieces that are accompanied by clear photos with high resolution are far more likely to be accepted than those that need illustrations.

The ideal length of a HOPSCOTCH nonfiction piece is 500 words or less, although we are not about to turn down a truly exceptional piece if it is slightly longer than the ideal. We prefer fiction to not run over 1000 words

We will entertain simultaneous submissions as long as that fact is noted on the manuscript. Submissions should be double-spaced.

We will pay a minimum of 5 cents a word for both fiction and nonfiction, with additional payment given if the piece is accompanied by appropriate photos or art. We will pay a minimum of $10 per poem or puzzle, with variable rates offered for games, crafts, cartoons, and the like.

HOPSCOTCH buys first American serial rights and pays upon publication. It welcomes the contributions of both published and unpublished writers. We reserve the right to publish all material from the magazine on our website as a sample of the magazine. This is for display only on a limited time basis. Contributors will be compensated whenever their work is published to generate revenue and not strictly for exposure.

Sample copies can be purchased for $6.00 within the US, $8.00 for Canada and $10.50 for all other countries. All payment must be in US funds. A complimentary copy will be sent each writer who has contributed to a given issue.


We use a number of photos, printed in black and white, inside the magazine. These photos support the articles. Payment is $5 per photo.


Most art will be by assignment, in support of features used. The magazine is anxious to find artists capable of illustrating stories and features and welcomes copies of sample work, which will remain on file. Payment is $35 for full-page illustrations and $25 for partial-page illustrations.


Although we are working far into the future, we occasionally have room for one or two pages.

There's One More Thing

We are always in need of cute and clever recipes, well-written and illustrated crafts, riddles, and jokes.

Email manuscripts to "submissions AT funforkidz DOT com". It is important to include in the subject and body of the e-mail message which of the open issues your story is intended for.

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