Tuesday, February 27, 2018

171 Parenting Magazine Publishing Credits (Mostly Paid) and How You Can Also Get Published!

Do you want to get paid for your parenting and family articles and stop giving them away for free or getting paid pennies per view?

Below are the just the first 50 of my publishing credits. You'll see that most of them are paid. When I was starting out I would give a piece for free very now and then for the byline but I don't do that anymore. Once you get to the bottom of the list you can hit the link to see the rest!

These are great places to work for, and they are all in my book, the 6th edition of "Make Money to Write About Your Kids: Get Published in Regional, National and Online Parenting and Family Magazines" on Kindle or Cloud (you can read it on your laptop if you wish). The print edition in 6x9" is also ready and it's a hefty little dude that you can highlight and put sticky notes in and mark up when you get published in certain markets! Check for changes and updates here! 

Keep in mind I have been published in some of these magazines up to 30 times with 30 different articles (actually, sometimes they'll use the same piece in different years and pay me twice, which is fair).

I might write a piece and have it published up to 30 times as a reprint. Magazines know you are sending your work as reprints to other magazines so why are you writing something ONCE and only letting it be used ONCE? Recycle that puppy as a reprint!

  1. About Families
  2. Alaska Parent
  3. Arizona Parenting
  4. Athens Parent
  5. Atlanta Baby
  6. Atlanta Parent
  7. Auburn Opelika Parents
  8. Augusta Family
  9. Austin Family
  10. Baton Rouge Parents
  11. Bay Area Parent Silicon Valley
  12. BC Parent
  13. Bermuda Parent
  14. Birmingham Parent
  15. Black Hills Parent
  16. Boom!
  17. Bowling Green Parent
  18. Bronx/Riverdale Family
  19. Brooklyn Family
  20. Calgary's Child
  21. Carolina Parent
  22. Central California Parent
  23. Central Penn Parent
  24. Charlotte Parent
  25. Child Guide
  26. Cincinnati Family
  27. Cincinnati Parent
  28. Colorado Parent
  29. Columbus Parent
  30. CT Parent (Connecticut)
  31. Cy-Fair Parent
  32. Eastern Shore Parents
  33. Edmonton's Child (nonpaying)
  34. Family Time
  35. Family Times
  36. Findlay Area Family
  37. First Coast Parent
  38. First Time Parent
  39. Flagler Parent (I do not recommend working with them)
  40. Florida Family News
  41. Fort Bend Parent
  42. Fredericksburg Parent
  43. Genessee Valley Parent
  44. Georgia Family
  45. Greater Fort Wayne Family (nonpaying)
  46. Greater Pensacola Parents 
  47. Growing Up in the Valley
  48. Houston Baby Guide
  49. Houston Family
  50. Hudson Valley Parent
Check out the rest of the 171 parenting and magazine publishing credits here! I wrote the post over at my main blog a long time ago and just keep updating it. I started the post just to keep track of where I had been published.

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