Monday, July 29, 2024

How to Write for Parenting and Family Magazines and Make Money

Mom writers. Dad writers. Grandparent writers. Parenting experts. This post is for you.

Do you want to write parenting and family articles and get paid to do so? I know there are a lot of parents out there doing the job every day, thinking, "I should write about this. I wonder if others struggle with this. I could help someone with my story or with a researched article about this topic. I could learn some cool things in the process of helping others and making money!"

I had those same thoughts back in 2005-ish when I had my third baby and was in the trenches of the parenting battlefield. I cracked open my local parenting magazine after snagging it at the local children's consignment shop, sent something to them about stocking up on meals instead of going grocery shopping daily, and I made a fast 25 bucks.

Then I wondered if I could maybe send the same piece to other magazines in other cities. Did they only want local content, or would they take my evergreen (can be used anytime of the year, ages well) piece?
Even if your local parenting and family magazine asked you to write a specific piece just for them, you still own the rights and are free to shop it around as a reprint. (Check out this post about how I've earned over $500 on certain articles selling them again and again with nothing secretive about it.)

Check out my instant download of The Mother of All Writing Markets Books: 600+ Homes for Your Family, Parenting & Women's Articles, Essays & More. (soon to be in print on Amazon)

Here are just the first 20 of the almost 200 markets I've written for, and I hope to see your name in the masthead of some of them soon!

  1. About Families
  2. Alaska Parent
  3. Arizona Parenting
  4. Athens Parent
  5. Atlanta Baby
  6. Atlanta Parent
  7. Auburn Opelika Parents
  8. Augusta Family
  9. Austin Family
  10. Baton Rouge Parents
  11. Bay Area Parent Silicon Valley
  12. BC Parent
  13. Bermuda Parent
  14. Birmingham Parent
  15. Black Hills Parent
  16. Boom!
  17. Boston Parents Paper
  18. Bowling Green Parent
  19. Bronx/Riverdale Family
  20. Brooklyn Family
Action item: Join my Facebook group called Parenting Magazine Writers ... it's FREE and full of tips and tricks and markets and like-minded writer friends!


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