Tuesday, October 1, 2019

2019 3rd Quarter Work-from-Home #IncomeReport

Writer friends, the McLoughlin household is healthy and happy and ready to head into Q4 2019 (October, November, and December) and I wish the same for you!

I am still blessed to be able to work from home proofreading, blogging, writing articles, and writing books and to be able to do it in my sweatpants or swimsuit, out on the deck or at the dining room table, at my house or traveling with my kids and husband for his work to places like Wyoming, Arizona, Texas, Chicago, Florida, and more.

I like to share my income with you to show you that I am a real person with real challenges and successes. No, it is not a full-time income, but I am not aiming for that. I am thankful and grateful that my husband has a good job, and my main job is homeschooling. Words are my part-time job for now. When the kids are grown I foresee working more hours with my word career and helping to pay for travel and retirement. But that's at least 10 years away :-)

First quarter 2019 went well at $5,757. We had a lot of snow days, so I was able to pick up extra proofreading jobs. I didn't have time to focus on the creation of more books, but I did still work a bit on the Busy Parents on the Go Cookbook and Homeschooling with Less Stress and More Fun. Articles took a backseat. Homeschooling, proofreading, and running a household took priority this quarter. 

Second quarter 2019 was only down by roughly $200 but I felt like I spent a tiny bit less time working, which is my goal. I want to work less and make more. I really don't charge enough for proofreading, but I love it so much that I keep working with my regular clients, who I love so much!

Third quarter 2019 contains September, my most successful month of the entire year, but I ended the quarter as the lowest quarter of the year. That's how it goes! Had some lovely time off to prepare to teach at our homeschool coop and to teach my own kids :-) Lots of pool time and fun with the kids as well. 

Before you wonder where all my money goes because I live a regular life, consider $1,200 spent on Catholic camp for husband/daughter (had to pay for him as a chaperone) combined with husband/teen sons going to a Catholic conference. Put that together with payments on braces for three kids, dental implant payments for me, paying off a credit card (woo hoo!), and keeping up with some other fun things we might want to do (drive-in!), my working really does contribute to the household expenses and "extras."

We'll see what 4Q2019 brings.

See you back here on January 1st! And if you want to work on Fiverr, please use my referral link!

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