Tuesday, December 1, 2020

November 2020 Work-at-Home #IncomeReport for The Published Parent: $3,458

McLoughlin household rocked and rolled in November — and I wish the same for you!

I am still blessed to be able to work from home proofreading, blogging, writing articles, and writing books and to be able to do it in my sweatpants or swimsuit, out on the deck or at the dining room table, at my house or traveling with my kids and husband for his work to places like Wyoming, Arizona, Texas, Chicago, Florida, and more. 

I like to share my income from home with you to show you that I am a real person with real challenges and successes. No, it is not a full-time income, but I am not aiming for that. I am thankful and grateful that my husband has a good job, and my main job is homeschooling. Words are my part-time job for now. When the kids are grown, I foresee working more hours with my word career and helping to pay for travel and retirement. But that's at least 10 years away :-)

And if you are interested in making money working from home by being on the Fiverr platform, please use my referral link! As far as work-from-home jobs go, this has been one that I have loved since 2013! Check out my November 2020 income below!

November earnings: $3,458

Proofreading: $2,436

Blogging: $852

Magazine articles: $80 (did not focus on this much plus there are a few payments I've been waiting on for a while)

DoorDash: $76

Book sales: $14

If you're interested, this post shows my Third Quarter 2020 Income. Here is October's income.

What am I currently working on? Well, I'm working on the Write Anywhere series Book 2 right now and hoping to get it out very soon. Then I'll work on the other books in the series, to include national markets, a how-to stand-alone book, and a workbook (and later, writing markets for teens to break into, as well as women's writing markets). What are you working on?

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