Friday, March 29, 2019

Kerrie McLoughlin's Books

First things first! If you're interested in learning about my unique self-publishing journey, just click here.

FULLY UPDATED with recipe descriptions/stories and meal planning advice in general plus more desserts and a new tater tot recipe!

What could be better than 35 tater tot casserole recipes all in one place? In addition to the naughty versions like Bacon Ranch, Fully Loaded, Buffalo Bleu Cheese, Chicken Alfredo and all sorts of other happy deliciousness, this amazing cookbook also contains dairy-free, skinny, gluten-free and vegetarian options for those times you want to (or have to!) eat in a more healthy manner!

And of course you have to top off a tater tot casserole meal with one of the 13 bonus easy dessert recipes, including Chocolate Suicide, Tutu's Chocolate Stars, Mock Apple Pie and Heavenly Sinful Bars. Your family will love you for this!

These recipes will have your family asking for seconds!

P.S. Make it for dinner, then heat it up in a pan with scrambled eggs in the morning for leftover delight!

 Head to Amazon here to purchase the ebook or print version.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your Writing Journey: Keep Driving by Patrick Hempfing

Keep Driving

By Patrick Hempfing

            In June 2011, I attended Southeastern Writers Association’s (SWA) annual conference on St. Simons Island, my first writers conference.  A little over an hour into the trip, about halfway to my destination, Mr. Doubt visited. 

What are you doing?  Don’t you know you’ll be surrounded by writers with talent?  Catch the next exit and go home? 

            After a 20-year career in banking, accounting, and auditing, with college degrees in accounting and management, I had traded in my business suit and briefcase for an apron and diaper bag.  When my daughter began Pre-K, I, a stay-at-home dad since her birth, attempted to turn my writing into a career, while having flexible hours to maximize time with family.

            Prior to attending my first SWA conference, I had completed a manuscript, but was unsuccessful in landing a publisher or literary agent for it.  I should have attended the writers’ conference sooner. 

In addition to a fantastic learning experience and meeting new friends, I left the conference with an idea for a monthly column.  My hopes of earning a few publishing credits turned into a little business.  From September 2011 to January 2018, my monthly column, “MoMENts,” was published over 500 times in regional parenting magazines across the United States and Canada, and Tribune publications, including the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Sun Sentinel, Carroll County Times, and Capital Gazette.

To date, “MoMENts” has been published in 23 states and two Canadian provinces.  In addition to attending writing conferences these past years, another source that helped me publish my columns was Kerrie McLoughlin’s Make Money to Write About Your Kids.

            But the story gets even better.  In 2016, I compiled my monthly columns, added new material, and published my first book, MoMENts:  A Dad Holds On, a great gift for mothers and fathers.  At the 2018 Royal Palm Literary Award Competition, a contest sponsored by the Florida Writers Association, MoMENts:  A Dad Holds On took Second Place in the General Catch-All Category.

            Since my book’s release, I’ve also spoken at libraries, my daughter’s school, and the SWA conference.  Another highlight of my writing career occurred this past September in Orlando when I was honored to be the closing speaker at the National At-Home Dad Network’s annual conference.

            Could the journey get more exciting?  When my daughter was nine, one of my writing friends (Yes, I met her at SWA) suggested I write a column with my daughter, with each of us sharing our perspective on a topic – Dad’s view versus the tween’s perspective.  Up to this point, my “MoMENts” column had shared the joys and challenges of being a stay-at-home dad from the father’s perspective only.

            Last February, my daughter and I debuted our co-authored column, “Tween Daughter and Dad.”  After one year, our joint column has been published 38 times in 11 publications, spanning 7 states.    

Will my daughter and I make a lot of money from our co-authored column?  Though she negotiated a sweet deal for how we split revenue, our chances of earning a ton of money aren’t great.  However, “national columnist” will be a nice item to add to her college application in a few years.

            Where will my writing journey take me?  Only time will tell.  But I know it’s been an exciting “drive” so far, one that wouldn’t have occurred had I turned my vehicle around in the summer of 2011.  I even became SWA’s Treasurer in 2014.

            Drive.  In my opinion, even with writers’ conferences, investment in resources like Kerrie’s book, and some good fortune, one of the key ingredients to success is drive.  Drive is needed to finish a tough column or that challenging manuscript.  Drive comes into play when publishers pass on your work.  Drive is required when book sales are disappointing, yet book two needs written.

            Will a career in writing have speed bumps?  Indeed.  Pot holes?  Many.  Times where you’re running low on gas?  For sure.

            Fill your tank and keep driving.  And remember to cherish the moments during the journey. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

NOT PUBLISHING: Family Fun Magazine

UPDATE: Sadly, Family Fun Magazine is no longer publishing. Please see my PDF instant download, 
The Mother of All Writing Market Books: 600 Homes for Your Family, Parenting, & Women's Articles, Essays, and More for 600 current markets, as well as 190 other markets that are no longer publishing, as well as FREE updates.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Submission Guidelines for Regional Parenting and Family Magazines

In an ideal world where you might have unlimited time, you would be able to read back copies of every regional family and parenting magazine in existence to get a feel for what kinds of articles they publish. But with so many demands on our time, that's just not possible. So if there are no writer's guidelines available for a regional parenting magazine, follow the rules below:

Make sure you have a copy of the Associated Press Stylebook because most RPMs like articles to follow "AP style" (a few prefer the Chicago Manual of Style).

Always include your name, address, phone number, email address and word count with every submission.

Use one space after periods so your piece is print-ready for most publications. RPMs like to  save  as  much  space  as  they  can,  and  that  gives  them  more  room  for  advertising  and sidebars.

Include a general service sidebar of where readers can go to get more information (websites, books, etc.).

If you can, include either local quotes in your article or quotes from experts around the country, not just from your hometown.

Photos  may  be  submitted  with  the  story,  but  since  many  editors  don't  read   email  with attachments (or it goes to their Spam folder),  just offer and describe the photo in your "cover letter." I sometimes put a fitting photo on my author site with the synopsis of the story.

Unless otherwise stated, the subject line in your email should be "Submission: [Article Name]."

Submit a "cover letter" in your email. Unfortunately, you will also have to add something to it like "Please let me know if you plan to use my article, as I want to make sure two magazines in the same region don't use it at the same time. Also, I need to send you an invoice because my work is not free " It's sad, but some magazines will use your work without telling you and without paying you and you need to point back to your original email.

Submit seasonal pieces (e.g., Christmas, Mother's Day) three months in advance as a general rule, unless writer's guidelines state otherwise.

Add a one to two sentence bio at the end of each article. For instance, "Kerrie McLoughlin is the homeschooling mom of five naughty kids and wife of Aron. Catch up with her at"

Make sure your submission says it's available for "purchase."

You'll save hours if you make every piece general, but put in your cover email letter that you are happy to include a local sidebar of resources (e.g., local meal prep stores, local food bank donation centers, etc.) depending on the topic of your article.

Don't submit your article as an attachment unless the editor asks for it that way in written guidelines, or it may end up in the editor's Spam folder. Instead, place the submission in the body of the email. (Update: I recently sent out SIX different birthday reprints AS ATTACHMENTS to everyone on my submission list as a last-ditch effort and also so as not to bug them with six different emails. The result? So far I heard from one magazine wanting to buy all six at $25 each, and then I heard from a magazine I never worked with before - that is in this book, of course - wanting to buy print and online rights for one article for a total of $5O! So far so good!)

Keep your piece under 1,000 words unless guidelines state otherwise.


Editors always reserve the right to edit for clarity, length and style.

Most publications receive many more submissions than they can use.

Check out this post on my 12-step process for getting published!

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my resource with 600 markets! (use promo code PPBLOG20 for 20% off) You can order "TheMother of All Writing Market Books" here.

The 12-Step Process for Getting Published

In my book How to Get Published (and Paid!) Writing About Your Kids: The Ultimate Guide for Selling Your Stories to Parenting Magazines, I share not only 382 markets with hyperlinked websites, submission guidelines and email addresses, as well as pay information, but I also share a wealth of knowledge from over a dozen years of working in this niche.

I'd like to share these steps with you here, but please know I go into MUCH more detail in the book and answer questions about previously published work versus new work, blog posts as articles, etc.

Below is a typical process I follow when submitting to regional parenting magazines. This might go in a different order for some.

1.     Read magazines you want to write for.

2.   Brainstorm. Check out my blog post called Generating Ideas for Articles and Blog posts here.

3.   Get the bones down.

4.   Call for quotes (only if necessary).

5.    Research. (some do this right after the Brainstorm step and some prefer to do it later). 

6.   Check out the General Submission Guidelines here.

7.    Read the Writer’s Guidelines in the book.

8.   Finish, proofread, read it out loud, give it to a friend.

9.   Add it to your writing website.

10.  Keep good records.

11.   Enter the email addresses and prepare your message.

12. Hit Send!

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my resource with 600 markets! (use promo code PPBLOG20 for 20% off) You can order "The Mother of All Writing Market Books" here.

Do You Need a Website as a Freelance Writer or Author?

Even though the pay is relatively low, writing for regional parenting magazines can earn you valuable publishing credits. You'll need those clips and credits in order to make your move to writing for national publications in the future. Don't think an author website is unnecessary and too costly for you to set up. You don't need a professional website developer to showcase your writing credits and synopses of your published pieces. For now, in fact, my author website is on Blogger, and I hear amazing things about WordPress, whether you host it yourself or let them do it.

Once you get a decent body of work, you'll want to periodically send an email to editors to let them know about your freelance writing (author) website, which will list all of your available reprints. (If you don't have time for this now, just send out your reprint list every few months and call it good.) The reason you do this is to keep your work fresh in their minds for when they need filler pieces.

Your writer website is important and should include the following:
  • Something about you as a writer and a person. Are you a new parent, mom of triplets, single full-time dad?
  • A photo of you.
  • Summaries of articles you have written or have had published.
  • Links to the places where you have been published (your publishing credits), serving as a type of online resume.
  • A list of available reprints you have for sale. How you organize these is up to you. I organize mine by month because editors are often looking for something for a specific month's issue. Then I also have a category called EVERGREEN, plus sections for BIRTHDAYS, CAMP, and HOMESCHOOLING. I also add the word count and a snippet of the article or a synopsis.
  • Testimonials/references. Don't be afraid to ask for these from editors you have worked with. I have found LinkedIn to be a great resource for asking for recommendations.
  • Links to any other online writing you have done so editors can see your writing style.
  • Contact information. Once an editor falls in love with your writing style, they want to be able to get in touch with you!
  • Social media links.
I like to keep a post on my author site dedicated to projects that are in the works. Articles, books, etc. For instance, one magazine routinely asks me to write a fresh piece for them for $40-50 each month. It's only 500 words and doesn't take me long to research and write. I don't like to sell it as a reprint until it is actually a reprint (meaning, the magazine has published it), which might be a couple of months away. I like to post the title of the piece and the approximate word count on my site so other editors know it will be available soon and coming their way via email.

With a little patience and a lot of hard work, your writer website will grow as you write more pieces, are published more places, and as you gain testimonials.

I honestly have not gotten many sales with my reprint list on my author website but I leave it there anyway and attempt to update it. I have much better luck keeping my work in front of editors by sending out my entire reprint list every few months. I also make sales when I send a wrap-up of articles that might fit for the next few months. For instance, in early February I might send out articles for March through June.

It might sound crazy to send out March pieces in February, but you'd be surprised how many editors DO NOT work ahead six months or who might have a last-minute space to fill. I have received many emails right before an issue goes to press because an editor realized they had room for a piece and I had sent them something recently enough that I was still on the top of their mind.

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my resource with 600 markets! (use promo code PPBLOG20 for 20% off) You can order "The Mother of All Writing Market Books" here.

Check out this article on Writer's Digest called A Step-by-Step Guide to Build Your Author Website

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

171 Parenting Magazine Publishing Credits (Mostly Paid) and How You Can Also Get Published!

Do you want to get paid for your parenting and family articles and stop giving them away for free or getting paid pennies per view?

Below are the just the first 50 of my publishing credits. You'll see that most of them are paid. When I was starting out I would give a piece for free very now and then for the byline but I don't do that anymore. Once you get to the bottom of the list you can hit the link to see the rest!

These are great places to work for, and they are all in my book, the 6th edition of "Make Money to Write About Your Kids: Get Published in Regional, National and Online Parenting and Family Magazines" on Kindle or Cloud (you can read it on your laptop if you wish). The print edition in 6x9" is also ready and it's a hefty little dude that you can highlight and put sticky notes in and mark up when you get published in certain markets! Check for changes and updates here! 

Keep in mind I have been published in some of these magazines up to 30 times with 30 different articles (actually, sometimes they'll use the same piece in different years and pay me twice, which is fair).

I might write a piece and have it published up to 30 times as a reprint. Magazines know you are sending your work as reprints to other magazines so why are you writing something ONCE and only letting it be used ONCE? Recycle that puppy as a reprint!

Have files of article reprints that you own but have no clue where to start reselling them? Have ideas for some fantastic new pieces but no idea who might want them? Check out my thick 441-page print book of tips, tricks, and insider information, as well as 384 paying parenting and family markets! You can order "How to Get Published (and Paid!) Writing About Your Kids" on Amazon here.

  1. About Families
  2. Alaska Parent
  3. Arizona Parenting
  4. Athens Parent
  5. Atlanta Baby
  6. Atlanta Parent
  7. Auburn Opelika Parents
  8. Augusta Family
  9. Austin Family
  10. Baton Rouge Parents
  11. Bay Area Parent Silicon Valley
  12. BC Parent
  13. Bermuda Parent
  14. Birmingham Parent
  15. Black Hills Parent
  16. Boom!
  17. Bowling Green Parent
  18. Bronx/Riverdale Family
  19. Brooklyn Family
  20. Calgary's Child
  21. Carolina Parent
  22. Central California Parent
  23. Central Penn Parent
  24. Charlotte Parent
  25. Child Guide
  26. Cincinnati Family
  27. Cincinnati Parent
  28. Colorado Parent
  29. Columbus Parent
  30. CT Parent (Connecticut)
  31. Cy-Fair Parent
  32. Eastern Shore Parents
  33. Edmonton's Child (nonpaying)
  34. Family Time
  35. Family Times
  36. Findlay Area Family
  37. First Coast Parent
  38. First Time Parent
  39. Flagler Parent (I do not recommend working with them)
  40. Florida Family News
  41. Fort Bend Parent
  42. Fredericksburg Parent
  43. Genessee Valley Parent
  44. Georgia Family
  45. Greater Fort Wayne Family (nonpaying)
  46. Greater Pensacola Parents 
  47. Growing Up in the Valley
  48. Houston Baby Guide
  49. Houston Family
  50. Hudson Valley Parent
Check out the rest of the 171 parenting and magazine publishing credits here! I wrote the post over at my main blog a long time ago and just keep updating it. I started the post just to keep track of where I had been published.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Can You Consistently Write 500 Words a Day?

Imagine if you could crank out 500 words every single day. Let's say you were working on parenting magazine articles. You could easily get one article done every week (1,000 words is a long one) with time to edit, research, then submit. Every. Single. Week. That's 52 articles a year working for you as passive-ish (you still have to send invoices)/residual income in the form of REPRINTS.

This could also translate into several blog posts per week (one day to get those 500 words out and one day to edit/research/create graphics).

This could also mean 50 days to 25,000 words of a book. Even if you then take another 50 days to work on a cover, get the book proofread, make sure it is all coherent, etc., you have a book in 100 days.

Let's say you're a blogger AND a magazine writer AND a book author. In just ONE YEAR, how many books, blog posts and articles could you knock out if you could just make sure to sit down and get 500 words written every day?

Time. Time is always the problem. And interruptions. And life in general, intruding with its obligations like laundry and dishes and cooking and hygiene and weddings and funerals and parties and errands and clogged toilets and car problems. Oh, and sometimes also those cute children running around and also sometimes that pesky little thing called a full-time job that pays the bills while we chase our writing dreams. And yes, I do realize that even when my kids are grown and gone from the house, I will still have lots going on pertaining to them.


Have you tried dictation using your smartphone? Not some fancy machine and not even some fancy app. I'm just talking about maybe using the Notes app on your iPhone that comes pre-installed. I am a huge fan of walking outside for my FitBit steps while writing at the same time by dictating my articles and books. I feel super amazing on those evenings when my 8-year-old has soccer practice and I can walk the track ... he's happy and I'm getting exercise while getting work done.

I also dictate while driving, which I know might be controversial, but before I got a phone I was writing all my notes long-hand in my lap on a notebook. Tell me which is more dangerous! I don't actually look at the screen while I'm dictating, which often makes for some funny untangling of words later on, but I can just talk and talk stream of consciousness style, and end up with something I can work with later.

When the file is done or when I get home, I just send the note to my email box. Then I grab it and put it in the correct project file on my laptop (you might be more progressive and use Google Docs).

You could dictate while nursing your baby, while making dinner, while folding laundry or waiting for your kid to get out of a drama rehearsal.

*This post was 511 words and I cranked it out super fast over our Homeschool Lunch Break, then edited later.

I would LOVE to hear how this works out for you or if you already do it!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Nifty 15 by Honoree Corder and My 100 Days Chart

I have a new writer girl crush and her name is Honoree Corder. You can check out The Nifty 15: Write Your Book in Just 15 Minutes a Day here and then I suggest you also follow her on Amazon so you always know when she comes out with something new. While I'm driving home from taking my teens to jobs and countless activities, I am also reading/listening to her Prosperity for Writers and You Must Write a Book.

Here's the review I left for this book, but please know that I am also planning on applying this to my article writing as well. Fifteen minutes a day carved out just for that purpose would yield an article every couple of weeks pretty easily. That could mean 12-24 articles for your stable of articles every year, depending on if you are writing quick regional parenting pieces or longer, national pieces that require queries. Every single year! You are not some flash in the pan writer ... you are in this for the long haul and you need to write every day to keep up the habit.

"Just the kick I needed. Yes, I already have a couple of books I have self-published and I did those in increments of whenever-the-baby-is-sleeping or early-in-the-morning until I couldn't think anymore. Lately I'm finding it harder to focus and needed a set amount of time to just sit and do it. And know that I had done it that day and that I didn't have to do anymore. But once I get started, it's like sex ... you get going and you want to keep going. I'm excited to see what happens with each of my projects in 100-day sets. I found a 100 days of school graphic/game that I printed out to color in each day that I do what I'm supposed to do. I'm actually coloring in every 15 minutes I do. I could do days or increments, either one works to make progress. I just like to see that I'm doing SOMETHING; otherwise it's easier to only do my proofreading work or find excuses to watch Scandal. Rock on, Honoree! Moving on to your next book and the next ... thank you!"

So instead of making my own thing from scratch, I Googled "100 Days Writing Chart" and came up with a 100 days of school chart! It printed a little grainy but it will work for my purposes. If I miss a day, I have to write for 15 extra the next day. I printed one out for each project. I'd love to have a full hour a day to work on 4 different projects because it's hard for me to focus on just one thing to completion, but we all work differently :-)