Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Published Parent 2021 #IncomeReport

Welcome to my 2021 income report. I love to know how others are doing in my industries, and I enjoy sharing my own successes and challenges. I hope this inspires you in some way!

I'd love to hear your income goals for 2022, so please share those in the comments. As I get more organized in my homeschoolingmy home, and my business, I'm finding more time to work on passion projects that can bring in money, such as my cookbooks and books about things like homeschooling with less stress and more fun, etc., although I have to admit this year will see me working on a handbook for our homeschool co-op and also an operations manual (both sorely needed!).

My income was down this year due to taking on more at the homeschool co-op and taking on the teaching of two high school classes (Grammar/Comp and Modern World History), but every bit is helpful around my place! Here are the figures from 2021:

2021 Income Figures for Happy Mama Publishing/The Published Parent

Proofreading: $13,058

Blogging: $3,321

Magazine articles: $703

Self-publishing: $289

Other: $145

TOTAL: $17,515

Here are some helpful links to get you started if you're interested in writing for magazines, proofreading, self-publishing or even Door Dashing! 

I also like to share Joanna Penn's (The Creative Penn) work-from-home author revenue because she is a very successful 6-figure author. I love her 2020/2021 Book Sales Revenue Breakdown post where she says, "So please just take this as data for interest, not for comparison."

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