Wednesday, November 6, 2024
5 Writing Opportunities for Teens

Monday, July 29, 2024
Write for Parenting and Family Magazines
Then I wondered if I could maybe send the same piece to other magazines in other cities. Did they only want local content, or would they take my evergreen (can be used anytime of the year, ages well) piece?
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Write for Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul has an astounding collection of inspiring books! I remember when I got the one for mothers for Mother's Day many years ago, and I still have it, all Post-It noted and highlighted! I've given away a lot of books over the years, but the Chicken Soup books stay on my shelf forever!
These are the most current upcoming potential book topics with deadlines and here are the submission guidelines for Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Cat Stories
The deadline for submissions is SEPTEMBER 30, 2024.
We are thrilled to announce that we are now accepting stories for our cat topic book that is to be released in 2025. Because of the popularity of this topic, we do a new cat book approximately every eighteen months so here is another chance for you to share a story or two about the member of your family who just happens to walk on four feet!
Cats have always been considered companions and playmates that brighten our days and enrich our lives. What would we do without them? They are also wonderful and amazing teachers. The lessons we learn from our feline friends come in all shapes and sizes, just like they do. Tell us the new thing your feline friend has taught you. How smart she is or how she outsmarted you! How he made you smile. How she "rescued" you after you "rescued" her. How he brought your family closer together, helped you find love, inspired you to change something in your human life. How she rules the roost! Stories can be serious or humorous, or both. We can't wait to read all the heartwarming, inspirational, and hysterical stories you have about your cats.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
600 Parenting and Family Magazines That Pay
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Write for Reader's Digest
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Write for Highlights for Children Magazine
Monday, December 26, 2022
Write for Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine
We’re glad you’re interested in the prospect of working with Pregnancy & Newborn magazine—we’re always looking to add to our pool of writers and are currently accepting freelance submissions! Please read and follow the guidelines below so you can query us effectively and we can respond efficiently.
First, familiarize yourself with Pregnancy & Newborn both in print and online. Our targeted audience is comprised of women who are expecting or have a child under the age of 1. We strive to provide insightful, informative articles that discuss all things pregnancy- and baby-related in a casual, conversational, girlfriend-to-girlfriend manner. As a national magazine, we cover topics that are relevant to pregnant and new moms across the country.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Western New York Family Magazine Call for Articles for 2022 Issues
UPDATE 10/15/22: WNY Family's current "Journey into Fatherhood" columnist is "retiring" in January 2023, so we are looking for a new "voice" to take his place. If you're a dad who enjoys writing and can reliably put together a 750-word column on deadline each month, we'd like to hear from you. The choice of topics is up to you — serious or humorous — dealing with the wild ride of being a dad in today's world. There is a modest payment for each column. If interested, email a sample 750-word column to michele@wnyfamilymagazine.com. Please put FATHERHOOD COLUMN in your subject line.
DIGITAL ISSUE - Western New York Family Magazine (wnyfamilymagazine.com) |
Western New York Family is looking for articles for their 2022 issues!
Please read the information below to see what they are looking for, and good luck to you 😃 You can find the complete list of writer's guidelines for Western New York Family here, as well as information for 599 more markets, in my book titled The Mother of All Writing Market Books!
Thursday, October 6, 2022
The Mother of All Writing Market Books: 600 Homes for Your Family, Parenting, & Women's Articles, Essays, & More
The Mother of All Writing Market Books: 600 Homes for Your Family, Parenting, & Women's Articles, Essays, & More
So you have a pretty original and awesome idea for a parenting and family niche magazine article. Or—look at you go!—maybe you’ve written the entire thing already and you just know it’ll be a perfect fit for a publication somewhere in the world. Now what?
Like any normal person, you hit “the Google” and are quickly overwhelmed. You remove your face from your Internet-enabled device and realize you’ve gone down a two-hour online rabbit hole filled with blog posts that scream titles like “Top 10 Parenting Magazines for 2021” and “19 Popular Parent Magazines Paying Parents to Write Stories” … except that when you started clicking on the links, you found that half of them aren’t even publishing anymore.
Does anybody ever go back and check/update these posts? It doesn’t seem like it, which is beyond frustrating. But you have to realize that the publishing industry changes DAILY.
Write for ParentMap Seattle, Eastside Baby, Family Adventure, and Seattle Baby
Below are the guidelines for ParentMap from my instant PDF download, The Mother of All Writing Market Books! Don't forget to use promo code PPBLOG20 for a nice lil discount!
Location: Seattle, WA
Frequency: monthly
Website: http://parentmap.com
Contact Info: editor@parentmap.com
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Write for Clubhouse Magazine
Focus on the Family Clubhouse is a 32-page magazine designed to inspire, entertain and teach Christian values to children ages 8-12. The magazine, which has a circulation of over 60,000, reaches young readers and their parents all over the world. Parents trust Clubhouse to provide wholesome, educational material with Scriptural or moral insight. The kids anticipate stories with excitement, adventure, action or humor. Your job, as a writer, is to create work that pleases both parents and children.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Write for The New York Times Parenting Outlet
What is NYTParenting?
Modeled after what the Times did with NYTCooking, NYTParenting will be a robust section of the Times website (parenting.nytimes.com) with new and archival content and a newsletter. NYTParenting is set to launch in Spring 2019.
- We are for parents who want evidence-based solutions to problems with their kids or with their own lives. We recognize that you had a baby — not a lobotomy. Your wants and needs still matter.
- We are for mothers AND fathers. Almost all parenting products are explicitly or implicitly gendered. Through design, editorial choices and framing, we will not be. We recognize that every family is different, and we are mindful of that.
--Relationships (with your partner, with your parents or in-laws, with your friends, with your first child when you have a second...)
--Life with babies and toddlers
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Write for SheKnows: Parenting, Food, Home, Travel and Lifestyle + Black Mind & Body
SheKnows is looking for parenting, food, home, travel and lifestyle pitches.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Write for Girls' Life Magazine
Writer's Guidelines
Want to get your pitch accepted? Read our “How to Pitch” article, courtesy of mediabistro.com!
The Rules
1. Girls' Life accepts unsolicited manuscripts on a speculative basis only. First, send an e-mail or letter query with detailed story idea(s). No telephone solicitations, please. Please familiarize yourself with the voice and content of Girls' Life before submitting.
2. Girls' Life magazine does not accept poetry submissions.
3. Every story should have a title, blurb and byline. Author's complete name, address, phone number and e-mail address must be provided on submission. Referrals for art sources are appreciated, if applicable.
4. Girls' Life conforms to The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual. Manuscripts can be e-mailed in Microsoft Word. Documents should be double-spaced in 12-point Verdana font.
5. All research must rely on primary sources. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a complete list of sources, telephone numbers and reference materials, if applicable.
6. E-mail queries are responded to within 90 days. Girls' Life cannot be held responsible for the return of any unsolicited material.
7. Unless submission is stated to be a possible work for hire, submission will be considered property of Girls' Life magazine.
8. A memorandum of agreement is to be executed by both parties before payment is made.
Send all Girls’ Life magazine queries to:
Karen Bokram
Founding Editor and Publisher
Girls' Life magazine
3 S. Frederick St. Suite 806
Baltimore, MD 21202
Monday, August 1, 2022
Write for Fit Pregnancy and Baby Magazine
Queries should be specific. Read our website and be clear whether you are presenting an idea for a feature or a specific column.
Features (1,000 - 1,800 words) cover broad, timely topics. Features for which we accept freelance writing include:
Pregnancy-safe workout programs
• A feature story about postpartum issues.
• A postpartum exercise story (often includes weight loss).
• A story pertaining to breastfeeding issues.
• Baby Pages (baby-care issues, with emphasis on the first six weeks)
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Write for Western New York Family Magazine
Western New York Family Magazine is looking for writers for their 2022 issues. See guidelines below, and click here to see the specific information about their 2022 needs.
Western New York Family
Buffalo, NY – monthly
Current as of July 2020
Thank you for your interest in Western New York Family Magazine, which was founded in 1984 as an 8-page newsletter called "Mother's Lifeline." Now running 64-80 pages per issue, WNY Family is a 90% freelance-written, subscription and free courtesy copy publication — both in a conventional "hard copy" print edition and an online "3D" digital edition. Our print edition has a monthly audited circulation of 20,000 copies concentrated in Erie and Niagara Counties of the Buffalo, New York metro area. As of July 2020, we have almost 7,000 digital readers monthly.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
NOT PUBLISHING: Redbook's The Mix
The following is from Redbook's brand-new contributor network, The Mix:
Have you ever wanted to write for a major women's magazine?
Now you can! Join The Mix, our contributor network, and you'll have the
opportunity to write for RedbookMag.com, as well as Cosmopolitan.com,
WomansDay.com, GoodHousekeeping.com, and ELLE.com. Whether you're a professional
writer, avid blogger, or someone with a great story to tell, we're interested
in sharing your voice with our readers.
If you'd like to be considered for The Mix, you can find more information right here. Every day, you'll receive an assignments email that includes story topics created by our editors. You can submit stories on as many assignments as you'd like, and if we publish your work, you'll get paid!
Monday, August 26, 2019
Frederick's Child Magazine Acquired by Mid-Atlantic Media
Did you know that you can write one article and sell it again for money to dozens of different magazines all over the world? And yes, the editors know we are doing this. It’s not a secret, just something that's not very well known. Check out my resource with 600 markets! (use promo code PPBLOG20 for 20% off) You can order "TheMother of All Writing Market Books" here.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Write for Woman's Day Magazine

Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Write for Alaska Parent Magazine